Letter: Unfair Funding

Letter to the Editor

Los Angeles, we have a problem.

On April 2, 2014, the Supreme Court issued its decision in the McCutcheon vs. FEC case which eliminated aggregate individual campaign funding limits.

Before April 2, 2014, an individual could donate $123,200 per election cycle (more than twice the annual median income in the

countr y).Nowoneindividualcan write a single check for $5.9 mil- lion to any candidate, political party and political committee.

If the Citizens United case is a precedent, our political system will be flooded by enormous amounts of special interest money com- ing from a very small number of exceedingly wealthy individuals. If you believe democracy is not a spectator sport, then join the hundreds of thousands of Americans of all political persuasions who are fed up with an increasingly polluted campaign finance system and are actively organizing for change and do two things:

1) Learn about the issues. Good websites to start with are democracyisforpeople.org, moneyout-votersin.org and movetoamend.org.

2) Talk to your family and friends about this issue and help us stop the insanity. May 1 is a day of action to show you care.

The future is yours, or maybe it’s not. You decide.

Pamela Conley Ulich, Former Malibu Mayor and Councilmember