Letter: Advocate for animals

Letter to the Editor

My family was appalled at Pam Linn’s article supporting the slaughter of horses for meat in America. [“An evolution on horses,” published Aug. 8] 

Her lame justification that horses shouldn’t have to endure long trucking trips to Mexico and Canada, but be slaughtered here in the US is shocking. She also says that children should be served horsemeat in school so upon their refusal the children might eat more vegetables instead and lose weight. (Doesn’t that mean that the children would be repulsed at the thought of chewing on a cooked horse?) That is an abusive and twisted way to teach children to be conscious of a healthy diet. 

Since we have some homeless dogs, I wonder if she would also advocate serving “puppy burgers” to our children as well? (That could really cause weight loss.) 

I am amazed that The Malibu Times would have a writer with such inhumane values and warped vision. She certainly doesn’t reflect the sentiments of the Malibu community. And she should be reminded that we are moving forward in our country by passing positive humane legislation to ban bullfighting, dogfighting and cockfighting. 

It is apparent that she has never seen any documented photos of the brutal slaughter of a horse. 

As a past horse owner, she should realize that through the years our horses have loyally served us, been faithful companion animals, brought us great pleasure and are currently valuable therapy for handicapped children. Ms. Linn suggests that their reward for this service is to be slaughtered and eaten by those they have served. Unreal! 

I can only say that I am grateful that I wasn’t one of her horses. 

I can also say that Americans with expanded consciousness hold a vision where compassion will dictate our values to create the laws of our country. 

Bobette Halverson and the Halverson family