City Extends Comment Period for Rancho Malibu Hotel DEIR

Stickers supporting the Rancho Malibu Hotel project lined a table at City Hall on Monday, where planning commissioners and the public commented on an environmental report about the project. 

Locals now have two extra weeks to submit comments regarding the Rancho Malibu Hotel draft environmental impact report.

The initial comment deadline has been extended from Dec. 2 to Dec. 15, according to Planning Director Joyce Parker-Bozylinski.

A draft of the environmental report was released in October and studies impacts that could be brought on by plans for the 146-room hotel in Malibu’s Civic Center. It outlines potential impacts the project could have on traffic, noise and cultural resources.

Variations of the hotel project have been in the works since 1984, and current plans outline a 275,000-square-foot, 146-room hotel on the northeast corner of the Malibu Canyon Road and Pacific Coast Highway intersection, across from Pepperdine University. Plans also call for a four-story parking lot, with three stories underground. 

Developer Richard Weintraub expects the project to cost $138.5 million to build and provide 910 construction jobs, plus hundreds more once the hotel is up and running. Hotel designs outline a possibility to host up to 2,000 guests and visitors at Rancho Malibu. 

At a Planning Commission meeting earlier this week, some complained that the document was too hefty to be completely read through and commented on by Dec. 2.

Those wishing to comment or submit questions on the report can email them to planner Ha Ly at The full DEIR is available atÂ