Former City Spokesperson Could Be Hired to Promote PCH Safety

Sandi Turner

Using grant money awarded by the state, the City of Malibu is looking to hire consultant Sandi Turner, who would be tasked with coordinating a campaign for safety on Pacific Coast Highway. Turner worked as the City of Malibu’s media information officer from July 2013 until March 2014.

Approximately $34,250 has been allotted in grant money to pay for services from Turner’s company, Swell Communications. The grant funding was awarded to the city from the state’s Office of Traffic Safety last year and “includes funding for a public awareness campaign to promote safety for all users of the highway from the McClure Tunnel to the Ventura County line,” according to the city’s Public Works Department.

“The major portion of work for the campaign includes the creation, production and promotion of a public service announcement to promote bike safety, and for the printing and distribution of safety materials,” a staff report states.

The city had originally hoped to select a consultant from received proposals by a September 2014 deadline. However, no proposals were submitted so the city approached Turner and negotiated a deal now up for approval at the Malibu City Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 26. Turner also does work for Jamestown investment firm, which owns the Malibu Village shopping center.