Best And Brightest

Pictured, from left: Back Row: Rachel Simone Jacobson (Viewpoint), Sophia Winther Frazier (Viewpoint), Jacqueline Michelle Tang (Viewpoint), Tyler David Frost (Viewpoint), Grace Taormina Conway (Louisville), Matthew Jaimeson Le (MHS), Brenna Elizabeth Sinding (MHS). Front Row: Zoe Grace Detweiler (MHS), Hannah Charlotte Maier (MHS), Maya A. Silardi (MHS) 

The Malibu Woman’s Club awarded 10 scholarships to Malibu High School, Viewpoint School and Louisville High School students at an awards banquet on May 22 at Sunset Restaurant. Each senior received a $1,000 scholarship for scholastic achievement, extracurricular activities and community service.

Fourteen fifth graders from Juan Cabrillo, Our Lady of Malibu, Point Dume Marine Science and Webster schools were also given writing awards at the banquet. The theme was “Follow the Leader”… “Identify someone whom you consider a leader and talk to that person. In your eyes, what makes that person a leader? Would you like to be a leader like him or her? If so, why? If not, why not?” First place essay winners were awarded $150 and second place winners received $100.