Human Remains Found Near Car Off Kanan-Dume Road – Horse Airlifted Out Of Malibu Canyon – Nobu Parking Front And Center Tonight


A car has gone off the side of Kanan Dume Road … human remains are found ….

A horse gets a helicopter ride out of Malibu Canyon. 

The city tonight may crack down on Nobu’s parking rudeness.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  Monday  ))) edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

Good morning Guernsey Avenue!


At least one set of human remains has been found … near a car that fell off Kanan Dume Road.

It’s not clear yet what happened up there …. about one mile north of the Malibu City Limits …. above Ramirez Canyon.

The L-A county sheriff’s helicopter discovered the car while surveying the canyon in its way to beach team duty … yesterday.

The car was apparently upside down … very hard to see … about 75 feet below the four lane road. 

Human remains were found near the car … but it was not immediately clear of the person or persons had been thrown from the car … or if animals scattered the bones. 

The sheriff called in Malibu Search and Rescue. 

The C H P was brought in …. as they would investigate a traffic crash.

All this is as of last night … we expect t get an update on this sad discovery later today.


An LA County fire helicopter was used yesterday to hoist an injured horse out of Malibu Creek State Park.

The horse … named Jack … was later seen standing in a field… being given water by a vet. 

The incident unfolded in Malibu Creek State Park … near the old MASH set. 

The horse had reportedly fallen from a slope Sunday afternoon.

His owner called for help.

A veterinarian went to the scene and tranquilized the horse … he was attached to a harness and hoisted out of the narrow canyon by helicopter.


Malibu’s planning commission meets tonight … and is expected to finalize its approval of the permits to allow a cemetery to be put in at the corner of Malibu Canyon Road at P C H. 

Also on the agenda …. a crackdown on the Nobu restaurant … which has apparently illegally increased its seating capacity way beyond its city permit.

The restaurant’s inability to keep its customers and employees cars off the P C H is also on the agenda.

And the Planning Commission will also discuss banning overnight parking on one block of P C H near the pier … where a kayak store owner has moved part of his business into two long vehicles … parked perennially on the highway.

Tomorrow … the city council and planning commission goes on a tour of offensive nighttime lighting.

And Wednesday … both the city council and planning commission will have a workshop on fashioning a dark skies ordinance.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


Despite the reputation of California’s legislature of a bastion of environmental activism … big businesses and conservatives still wield power in Sacramento.

And a proposed law that would extend Malibu’s tough anti-plastic pollution rules into a statewide law has run into problems.

Carried by local state Senator Ben Allen … the proposed law would prohibit food vendors and eventually chain establishments from using polystyrene containers for food distribution. 

Ocean advocates say the containers pose a huge threat to coastal waters, estuaries and oceans as they constitute a massive component of marine debris. 

But opponents of the bill include the California Restaurants Association … the Plastics Industry Association and some big campaign spending companies … like the Dart Container Corporation of California.

Stern told the Sacramento Bee newspaper … quote … 

“When you challenge incumbency – the existing power structure – politically, it’s hard. 

“There’s not a big powerful lobby behind environmental bills, but eventually, we do get things done.”

Close quote … from Malibu area senator Ben Allen.


Southern California Edison is the local power company serving Malibu … and it is also the company that is stuck with the San Onofre Nuclear Power Station. 

The twin nukes … 90 miles down the coast from Malibu … are turned off.

Edison botched a rebuild … charged the ratepayers 3 point 5 billion  dollars to start tearing down the nuclear cores.

Part of the project … Edison needs to store 3 point 6 million pounds of radioactive nuclear waste.

The California Coastal Commission permit for the storage is for 20 years.

There is no long-term nuclear waste storage site in the United States.

The nuclear waste is being transferred to so-called temporary chambers … right next to the Pacific Ocean. 

Ocean levels are rising.

 There is no guarantee that the nuclear waste can be moved at th eend of the permit … 20 years. 

As the San Diego public radio station reports … when the coastal commission asked Edison to elaborate on a sea level rise scenario in 80 years at San Onofre, the company responded by saying it “does not believe that consideration of impacts beyond 2051 is reasonable or necessary.”

Edison told the Coastal Commission that the San Onofre site is expected to be inundated by the turn of the next century if there is no seawall. 

And while a seawall exists now, the coastal commission has not approved upgrading it to protect the planned radioactive waste deposit.

KPBS radio in San Diego asked for a comment from Southern California Edison.

The company declined to answer questions about why it didn’t think it was reasonable or necessary to consider what sea level rise would look like at San Onofre past 2051 … KPBS reported.

The Edison company instead referred questions to the coastal commission … which had no answer either. 


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

Patchy fog and clouds … burning off to a high of ((((   73  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((       86   )))) inland. 

Winds will be strong. 

Downcoast winds will be   (((  25  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    8:01  )))).

After that … expect patchy fog and clouds   )))) tonight … a low of  ((((  57   )))) on the beach … down to  ((((  57   )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((  much the same   )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((    59   )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    56   )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   64   )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    61    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((   2 to 3  )))) feet high …. 

((((   SSW swell easing. Minor NW wind swell mixing in. Fair conditions )))) 

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   High tide is at   8:18 this morning.

A low tide follows at 1:38 this afternoon.

The biggest high tide of the day is tonight … at 8:04 PM … 5.3 feet.  ))))


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