Kenyan Prime Minister announces presidential candidacy at Malibu event


Raila Amolo Odinga, the Prime Minister of Kenya, announced that he would run for president of Kenya during that country’s next presidential elections at a private Malibu party Sunday night. “I can announce here that I’m going to be a candidate for the presidency of Kenya,” Odinga said. When asked by The Malibu Times if his speech Sunday was the first time he had declared his candidacy, Odinga said yes. Odinga ran for the post in 2007, but lost a narrow election amid allegations of voting improprieties. Odinga disputed the results, and during ensuing riots more than 1,000 people were killed and 600,000 displaced.

“I won elections last time three years ago. I was robbed of victory,” Odinga said. Odinga said that reforms enacted since the previous elections would “ensure us that I will not be robbed again. I hope that I can bank on you for support in my campaign next year,” Odinga told the audience.

The event took place at the Malibu residence of Mr. and Mrs. Amir Heshmatpour.