Park Service to Stop Selling Federal Land Passes

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Federal lands passes will no longer be sold at the Santa Monica Mountains Visitor Center, according to a release from the National Park Service. The passes cover entrance fees at national parks and various

other federal lands. While there is no fee to use federal land in the Santa Monica Mountains, the NPS was selling the passes at the local visitor center to people who would be traveling to other park locations. The NPS decided to stop selling the passes because the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area was only selling an average of one pass per day, which was not generating enough revenue to continue sales, according to the park service.

“Running a well-managed fee or pass program requires training, inventories, audits and oversight,” Supt. David Szymanski said. “Discontinuing the sale of these passes gives us greater flexibility to put our staff where the demand for programs and public services are greatest.”

Most NPS passes can still be purchased online, by phone or by mail. For more information, visit