City Considering Public Art Fee for New Construction

Legacy Park's surfer statue

City staff is currently vetting an ordinance that would require new commercial, public works, institutional and multi-family developments in Malibu to pay a “public art fee” or incorporate public artwork into their project as part of the construction process.

The ordinance would establish a fund for the “Public Art and Policy Program,” another arts proposal set to be discussed by the City Council on Feb. 10. 

“The ordinance provides that the minimum value of the artwork shall be equal to at least 1 percent of the project’s total construction cost. The property owner has the option to acquire and install the artwork or pay an in-lieu contribution to the Arts in Public Places Fund,” according to a city staff report.

For example, a $5-million project would necessitate a contribution of $50,000 to the fund or incorporate artwork valued at $50,000.

Projects that would fall under the ordinance’s purview are limited to: 

-Eligible capital improvement projects

-Remodel or new construction of commercial or institutional projects where total construction costs exceed $250,000

-Remodel or new construction of multi-family residential (4 units or more) projects that front a public street and the total construction costs exceed $250,000

Malibu’s Cultural Arts Commission and Zoning policy subcommittee ZORACES are both set to discuss the fee proposal at separate meetings on Tuesday. ZORACES meets Tuesday morning at 9:30 and the Cultural Arts Commission meets at 6:30 Tuesday evening, both at City Hall.

The fee proposal will also be considered by the Planning Commission on Feb. 18 and later by the City Council on March 24, according to city staff.

To read the full city staff report, visit here.