Local charity to hold benefit luncheon for abused children


    Free Arts for Abused Children, a local non-profit organization that integrates the healing and therapeutic power of the arts into the lives of abused children and youth, will hold its eighth annual spring fundraiser luncheon at the home of Cindy Landon, widow of Michael Landon, on April 25 at 11 a.m.

    “The Magic of Giving,” which will take place at the Landon estate in Malibu, will feature a silent auction displaying items donated by local businesses, a fashion show incorporating a number of celebrity models and produced by Theodore’s of Malibu and Beverly Hills, and a luncheon catered by Monrose of Malibu.

    The event will include a special performance by Pat Benatar, accompanied by her husband and bandmate, Neil Giraldo.

    There will also be a performance by Prescott Niles’ band featuring Landon’s vocalist daughter, Jennifer, 17, and her brother Sean, 14. Niles’ son Noah, 13, Liam Springthorpe (son of Rick and Barbara Springfield), 15, and David “Bones” Henderson will accompany them.

    Geof Petch of Malibu-based Smarthead Media will be master of ceremonies.

    Free Arts for Children recruits, trains, and places volunteers to work hands-on with victims of abuse. According to the organization, dance, drama, writing, music, painting and other avenues of creativity encourage at-risk children to channel their emotions, release anger and develop positive methods of communications.

    The philosophy behind all Free Arts for Abuse Children programs is “Arts Heal.”

    The gala committee includes Jean Curtis, chair; Cindy Landon, Iris Caplan, Susan Hiller, Lee Laplante, Vince Bruno, Abby Custis-Marcy, Karen Lehrer, Lori Zamel, Marti Daniel, Terri Tilton, Diane Rehfeldt, Gale Loof and Karen Pankow; and Elda Unger, founder of Free Arts.

    Honorary committee members are Fran Drescher, Dan and Donna Dixon Aykroyd, Jim and Jenny Belushi, Martin Sheen, Michael Crawford, Julie Carmen, Bill and Tamara Pullman, Sean and Robin-Wright Penn, Rich and Barbara Springfield, Kelsey Grammer, Melissa Gilbert and Kathleen Quinlan.

    Tickets are $85 each. Call 313.4278 for reservations.

    — Sylvie Belmond