Keeping small-town charm


    I am an ardent supporter of open space in Malibu and I am opposed to many of the development plans I hear proposed for Malibu lately. However, when I hear of a land conservancy possibly uprooting a long-standing part of Malibu to create a park (“Land conservancy exercises option to buy land along PCH,” March 22,), I am astonished. I’m sure I speak for many Malibuites when I say that I consider the establishments on the corner of Topanga and PCH to be part of a quaint little neighborhood. Where else will you find a feed bin (with a petting zoo no less), a bait shop, and an old-fashioned motel and neighborhood market just minutes from a metropolis of millions of people? It is part of that small-town atmosphere that is rapidly disappearing in Malibu. In fact, just a few weeks ago, our last old-fashioned produce stand was torn down, the “Line Shack” near County Line.

    Why not devote funds to preserving open land that is not yet developed instead of uprooting residents and businesses of a popular area? The amount of development recently at the mouth of Encinal Canyon and in Malibu Park is staggering. Perhaps we can preserve some of the last bits of undeveloped coast between County Line and Decker Canyon, instead of spending the taxpayers’ money to destroy a pre-existing area popular with locals and tourists alike.

    Frank H. Ryan