Man Arrested on Weapons Charge at Pepperdine

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Badge 

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department arrested a man for allegedly brandishing a knife in Pepperdine University’s Joslyn Plaza on Monday, the Pepperdine Graphic reported

The suspect, Aaron Lewis, was said to be carrying a knife, Officer Jesse Berg told the Graphic. Lewis is not a student at the school. 

At around 1:20 p.m. on Monday, Pepperdine’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) was informed  that a suspicious man was loitering in the University bookstore. 

“Employees saw him walking around and informed their manager the man had been there for a while,” Public Relations officer Tiffany Wright told the student paper. 

After DPS arrived on the scene, the Sheriff’s Department was alerted of the suspicious activity and responded by sending three patrol cars and a van to Pepperdine’s campus. 

After the Sheriff’s Department arrived, Lewis was taken into custody. 

As the contents of Lewis’ bag were being emptied in one of the patrol car trunks, officers found another knife among other miscellaneous items. 

Lewis, who is in his “20s or 30s,” was taken to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s station. If charged, he could face one year in prison.