Walking the walk along beach


    I hope to prove a point: that there is “horizontal” beach access from one end of Malibu to the other along our entire 21.5 mile coastline. This coming Saturday, June 16, I intend to walk from the Malibu city limits next to Leo Carrillo Beach along the ocean below the mean high tide line to the other end of the city, at Topanga. This should take two Saturdays to complete, with the second half (from Point Dume to Topanga) to be done the following Saturday, June 22.

    The California Coastal Commission is supposedly concerned about beach access in Malibu. I hope to prove that all of Malibu’s coastline is accessible along the ocean from one end to the other. Please join me and my Old English sheepdogs at the Southern end of Leo Carrillo Beach at 10 a.m. this coming Saturday morning to participate in this hike. Please wear hiking boots or surf shoes and suitable clothing, and bring food and water. If any Coastal Commission members would like to join me, I will carry their water for them in case they get thirsty and cannot find a visitor-serving facility.

    If you have any questions, call me at 456.3754.

    Ted Vaill