Letter: Pardon a Turkey

Letter to the Editor

President Obama is pardoning two turkeys for Thanksgiving, and every one of us can exercise that same presidential power by choosing a nonviolent Thanksgiving observance that spares a turkey’s life.

Here are some good reasons to do so:

1) You can brag about pardoning a turkey like Obama did.

2) You truly are what you eat. Who wants to be a butterball? 

3) Fruits and vegetables don’t have to carry government warning labels.

4) You won’t sweat the environment and food resources devastation guilt trip.

5) You won’t spend a sleepless night wondering how the turkey lived and died.

6) Your body will appreciate a holiday from saturated fat, cholesterol and hormones.

7) You won’t have to call the Poultry Hotline to keep your family out of the emergency room.

This Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks for our good fortune, health and happiness with a life-affirming and cruelty-free feast of vegetables, fruits and grains. 

Our own dinner will feature a soy or wheat-based roast, mashed potatoes, stuffed squash, candied yams, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Internet searches for “vegetarian Thanksgiving” gave us more recipes and useful information than we could possibly use.

Manny Santiago