Scent of Anaheim Smoke in Air, 71 MPH Gust Clocked – Plastic Soda May Be Banned – Engineers Hired for FEMA Rebuke


Malibu smells the smoke from the Anaheim brushfires …

24 houses are destroyed 60 miles from here.

The city moves to ban plastic soda bottles …

And why is McDonald’s still giving away plastic straws that are banned by the city.

And the ban on water softeners … is softened.


This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  Tuesday  ))) edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

Good morning Malibu!

Anaheim Fire Smoke Detected In Malibu

10 people are dead from the sudden fires in the northern end of the Bay Area.

No one dead in Orange County … but 24 structures are destroyed there … as the “Canyon Fire 2” hopscotched through the hills along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

Malibu and all of L-A County were spared from fire this week …

It’s been 10 years since Malibu has had a major wind-driven brushfire.

And just a matter of time to the next one.

Santa Anas are receding …. but trails of smoke from the disastrous fire in Anaheim Canyon is swirling around Malibu.

Peak wind gusts of 79 miles per hour hit Boney Mountain … at the top of the Santa Monica Mountain range northwest of Malibu.

Today in Malibu … we’ll get northeast winds of 10 to 20 miles per hour … with local gusts up to 30 through this morning.

It will be dry … with Relative Humidity values as low as 5 percent.

The National Weather Service says winds will continue until this morning …. then die off and be replaced by strong downcoast winds.

In Anaheim .. the fire is at 75 hundred acres

24 structures destroyed.

14 choppers and 6 planes on the lines.

11 hundred firefighters on the scene … from all across Southern California.

City Hires Engineers To Pore Over FEMA Wave Maps

The City of Malibu has hired a marine engineering firm … to take a quick look at the proposed federal maps that show increased flooding risk along the Malibu coast.

Malibu is way behind the curve …. as other cities have been working for months to challenge the federal maps.

More questions were raised at last night’s city council meeting.

The city has hired marine engineers from Moffat and Nichols … which has experience in Malibu coastal engineering and which has done similar work in Ventura County.

The company’s Aaron Ellis says they have found problems in the FEMA maps for nearby Ventura County.

NEWSCART 77364 FEMA ELLIS  :18 QQQ: more catastrophic than flooding.

“One of the big omissions we’ve seen in the FEMA analysis is that the didn’t do a great job of handling natural and seasonal beach changes and beach changes during an extreme event.

“Erosion is often a major concern, in that during these big stormy seasons you get a lot of beach loss and that’s more catastrophic than flood.”

The city is battling a November Sixth deadline to come up with scientific evidence to fight FEMA.

The federal agency has drawn what coastal engineers in Malibu say are inaccurate flood maps for the oceanfront homes.

In some cases, the flood level from waves is 31 feet up in the air … and that’s before the effects of global ocean rise are factored in.

The effect of those federal maps on the ability of beachfront residents to  get mortgages … construction loans or insurance may be catastrophic.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))

Water Softener Ban Gets Softened

A ban on certain kinds of water softening devices that discharge salty brine has been adopted by the city of Malibu …. but scaled back to only for the Civic Center area.

City sanitation experts says homes or businesses that dump sudden loads of concentrated salt down the new sewer will damage their equipment … make their treated effluent too salty … and violate the law.

Complaints from some residents…. that the ban was unnecessary in less dense areas … were accepted to the city’s expert on such matters … Craig George.

NEWSCART 77365 SALT CRAIG :18 there could be fines.

“I agree that it was a little bit onerous and probably unnecessary to reach out to the rest of the community in that regards.

“But as far as the wastewater in the Civic Center ,we have effluent limits and recycled water limits that we have to ensure that we don’t exceed, or there could be fines.”

But George says the city does not know how many homes in the Civic Center area use water softeners …

The city will examine whether the salt discharge ban should be extended citywide.

Some residents who rely on well water say the heavy mineral content in the underground supply would ruin their plumbing unless they use salt to remove the hardness.

Plastic Soda Bottles May Get Banned In Bu

The Malibu City Council last night decided to start the long process of possibly banning plastic soda and water bottles in Malibu.

Bottled water .. soda and juice … would have to be sold in cans or glass bottles.

Mayor Skylar Peake sounded a bit impatient with a spokeswoman for the big soda companies … at last night’s council meeting.

NEWSCART 77363 BOTTLES SKYLAR :35 QQQ: not be polluting the ocean.

Mayor: “Do you guys represent, like, Coca Cola ?”

Flack: “Sure, in Calif our primary members are Coca Cola, pepsi and Doctor Pepper /Snapple group.”

Mayor: “OK, so, in California, Coca Cola, Pepsi and Snapple, they all offer products that are in cans and glass, is that correct?”

Flack: “I believe so.”

Mayor: “OK, so it wouldn’t be a problem for them to offer those, and not to offer the plastic ones, in the smaller size, because they are all already available in aluminum and glass.”

Flack: “Like I mentioned, it’s about consumer choice, and keeping them … you know …”

Mayor: “Well, the citizens our community, their choice is not be polluting the ocean.”

Peake says the plastic bottles never disintegrate … whereas glass and cans do.

City council members also asked why fast food restaurants in Malibu are still serving plastic straws …. made of polystyrene …. which have been banned by the city for more than a year.

City staff members said they are “reaching out” and “working with” McDonalds … jack In the Box and Subway.

Sheriff Admits Misleading Public On ICE Cooperation

The L-A County sheriff’s office has misled the public about its cooperation with federal immigrations agents.

L-A sheriff Jim McDonald and his staff have repeatedly reassured Los Angeles residents that it has strict limits in cooperating with federal immigration agents.

But the Times reports that’s not true.

The department’s independent watchdog office has issued a report … that says the sheriff is allowing ICE agents special access to jails.

The sheriff has acknowledged making public statements that were not accurate.

the sheriff provides municipal police services to Malibu under a contract.

Malibu High: PSAT, College Fair, Tennis Match

A few school items …

P S A T tests are tomorrow at Malibu High.

All sophomores and juniors take the PSAT.

Sophomores will test in the upper gym and juniors will test in the lower gym.

Students need to bring pencils and a calculator … the tests are in the gym at 7:50.


More than 130 colleges will ave representatives at tongith’s College Fair … for malibu and Santa Monica high school families.

Seniors can get in starting at 6 … juniors startig at 6:30 … and all others at 7.

That’s tonight at Santa Monica High School.


From the KBUU sportswire … the Malibu High girls tennis team plays a home match this afternoon … versus Cate High School.

Volleyball is at Thacher in Ojai on Thursday.

Football travels to Carpinteria Friday … while water polo hosts Nordhoff High of Ojai … Friday afternoon.


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be windy over the mountains this morning … then windy down the coast this afternoon.

Highs around  ((((   76  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   87   )))) in the mountains above Malibu.

Red Flag Warnings expire at 10 in the morning… then winds will switch around to downcoast winds of   (((  20  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    6:24   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  cloudy   )))) tonight … a low of  ((((   58  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   53  )))) in the mountains.

Tomorrow should be no Santa Anas  and back to cool marine weather.

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((    58   )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    65   )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   60    )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    64   )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  2 to 3   )))) feet high ….

((((   Fading blend of SSW swell and NW wind swell. Favorable AM conditions.  ))))

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   High tide is at  12:51 PM  …. 5.65 feet.

Low tide at 8:21 PM.  ))))


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