Malibu Emergency Team trains community

City of Malibu Emergency Services coordinator Brad Davis (center, at head of the table) teaches Community Emergency Response Team members knot-tying skills. 

Malibu Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members gathered for their monthly meeting last Saturday at City Hall, where they trained on a variety of emergency procedures. During the weekend meeting, team members learned knot-tying skills from Brad Davis, the team leader and the city’s emergency services coordinator. 

The purpose of Malibu CERT is to help the city by providing emergency disaster response to the community and to promote emergency awareness to residents. 

The next series of seven CERT training classes begins Jan. 31. Classes take place Thursdays from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. For more information, contact Brad Davis at 310.456.2489 ext. 260.