Celebrate the Season of Giving

Malibu Navy League President John Payne holds the microphone up to raffle winner Julian Alexander. Also pictured are volunteers Heidi Bernard and members of the Pepperdine Ambassador Council. 

With the holiday season in full swing, many in Malibu are opening their hearts (and wallets) to worthy causes providing food, toys, clothes and other much-needed items to those in need this winter.

LA County Sheriff’s Department

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, in collaboration with the LASD Community Council, is hosting a department-wide toy drive. New and unwrapped toys can be dropped off at the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station. 

LA County Fire Department

The Los Angeles County Fire Department is celebrating its 29th annual Spark of Love toy drive. Over the years, the Spark of Love toy drive has collected and distributed nearly 10 million toys to underserved children and teens in Los Angeles. For more info, visit: fire.lacounty.gov/spark-of-love.

Boys and Girls Club

The Boys and Girls Club of Malibu (BGCM) and Malibu Rotary Club have teamed up to support the Malibu community. On its website, the BGCM has listed three ways to participate: by adopting a senior or adopting a family, by making a direct donation to the club, or by making a contribution towards a holiday gift to support the members of Malibu Community Labor Exchange. 

For more info, visit: bgcmalibu.org/donate

Toys for Tots

Malibu Navy League and First Bank Malibu are again partnering for this year’s Toys for Tots donation drive, with donations of toys accepted through Dec. 17 at First Bank, located in the Malibu Village Shopping Center. Donations should be new and unwrapped.

Labor Exchange

Malibu Community Labor Exchange welcomes donations of slightly used clothing, toys for children, school supplies, non-perishable food, and prepared lunches for workers. For more info, visit: malibucommunitylaborexchange.org/donate