James Gordon, Malibu High School

James Gordon

Malibu High School senior James Gordon is a well-rounded student who will attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the fall. The Senior Class president is described as an intelligent, energetic, creative and humorous individual who excels in many areas, from English class to cross country. 

Gordon is known as one of the top math students at Malibu High. He took Calculus DE, the most advanced math class the school has to offer, which involves college-level material. Gordon’s teachers explain that he has a logical way of attacking difficult problems and enjoys the process of learning. 

The lack of a computer programming class at the school hasn’t stopped Gordon from learning about the subject. He has taught himself a good deal, leading him to build his own computer at home and write programs for his graphing calculator. 

In addition to his abilities in math and science, Gordon has excelled in English and the humanities. His teachers cite his ability to analyze texts using logical and critical thinking skills. On top of his academic achievements, Gordon has also successfully participated in cross country, track and basketball at school. He has made quite an impression on the cross country circuit, known for running with his full beard, sunglasses and stocking cap. 

Among Gordon’s other activities and achievements are taking part in the National Youth Leadership Mission to Washington, D.C., serving as Boys’ State delegate and playing the saxophone in the school’s jazz band. He has also been involved with Christian youth group Young Life since he was in the sixth grade. 

“Now, some students have character and some students are characters,” teacher Bonnie Thoreson wrote. “James is a rare hybrid: he is a character‚ a unique individual who is occasionally outrageous, always funny, never afraid to express himself; he also has character‚ he works hard, cares deeply about his friends and family, and his Christian faith guides his daily actions.”