West Basin Board Members Pleads Guilty, Accepts Plea Bargain

Ronald C. Smith

West Basin Municipal Water District Board of Directors member Ronald C. Smith pled guilty and accepted a plea bargain on the alleged charges of misuse of public funds and giving false affidavits. 

Smith resigned from his position on the board, effective Sept. 8. He will serve 180 days in jail, minus the time he has already served and will be required to serve five years of probation for his felony conviction.

Malibu is one of several Los Angeles-area cities that buys wholesale water from the WBMWD, which provides water and recycled wastewater in its 185-square-mile service area.

Smith also paid $10,000 restitution to West Basin, with $7,765 remaining to be paid.

“West Basin will use this situation to become an even more effective water district,” board Vice President Gloria D. Gray said in a statement.