Shameful behavior


As a resident of Las Flores Canyon Road, I nearly choked on my cornflakes when I read the letter from Howard Ziehm concerning our “neighbors on Gorge Road.” Mr. Ziehm and nine Las Flores residents had a chance meeting with a Gorge Road resident named “Kim” after the Sheriff detoured them down Gorge Road to avoid an accident. “Kim” used his truck to block the road, denying them passage on Gorge. What if someone truly had an emergency?

I, too, had a similar experience that day. I came up Las Flores and was also informed by a Sheriff’s officer standing with a DWP worker that a truck had jackknifed below Hume. He suggested I simply use Gorge, a hundred yards up the Road. I’ve never been on this road but was told, “It dumps out above Hume.” So I turned into Gorge and was almost immediately involved in a head-on collision! A clearly psychotic woman in a grey SUV, blaring her horn, drove her car right up to my headlights, blocking my path. When I tried to tell her there’s an emergency and the Sheriff suggested I use this road, she simply blared her horn so I couldn’t be heard. Another car behind her with another screeching woman hurling obscenities, pulled up behind this woman, and turned her car to also block the road. The road now “secure,” the screaming woman in the grey SUV, threatening to slam into my front bumper with her vehicle, forced me backwards all the way back down Las Flores, to the DWP worker.

Since the sheriff had left, the poor guy had to fend for himself against this shrieking Gorge denizen. This horrible female demanded to speak to the DWP worker’s supervisor, and let him know in no uncertain terms that Gorge was not to be used by the public “even in an emergency!” My question is deeper than Mr. Ziehm’s simple “who has priority over Gorge in an emergency.” Mine is, what makes ugly hearted people like these residents of Gorge Road? This community has always pulled together to help each other in the numerous emergencies Malibu finds itself in. How would those residents respond if we Las Flores residents blocked off their access in an emergency?

That would never happen, because my real neighbors have hearts. I’m aware you can’t shame the shameless, but these gross excuses for “neighbors” need to be called out!

Steven J. Alexander