(Publisher Arnold G.) York brings to this publication an impressive resume. He is a member of the bar [association], a journalist and—snarkiness notwithstanding—a wordsmith. How then does he explain his imprecise and rather sloppy use of language when he discusses the Trump administration and so-called “immigration”? It should be obvious to all that immigration comes in one flavor only … legal. If a person lives in Mexico legally, he may be an immigrant or a legal resident. If he enters uninvited and unwelcome, he does not become undocumented. Rather he becomes an inmate and an illegal alien.
So it is with Mexicans (and others) who come to our nation, absent of any respect for our sovereignty and laws. They are illegal aliens and should be referred to and treated as such. There was a time in the USA when journalists felt an obligation to speak the truth and to use our language with some precision and accuracy. York must certainly know better; if only he would do better.
Steve Jones