Letter: Backing City’s Stand

Letter to the Editor

Some corrections are necessary in response to Mr. York’s article about The Malibu Township Council (MTC).

Contrary to Mr. York’s accusation that MTC automatically opposes city positions, MTC firmly supported the City Council’s refusal to give Edmiston permission to put campgrounds (camp fires) in conservancy parks in Malibu.

Again, when Edmiston wanted permission to put campgrounds in the city’s Charmlee Park, MTC supported the city’s refusal. MTC testified in support of the city’s position opposing the Civic Center septic ban at original Regional Water hearing.

The city has reversed its positions on above issues, not MTC.

It is amazing that newspaperman York is not supporting MTC’s attempt to enforce the State Open Meeting Law (Brown Act). Isn’t that a prime source of information for newspapers? 

In addition to requiring the City to do business in the public, MTC’s primary concern regarding camping is the extreme fire risk that camping poses for the public. The conservancy plan allows the use of propane stoves, which are lit with a flame and heat with a flame. We do not support camping anywhere in Malibu. We support providing ball fields but not this way, just because it is the cheapest way for the city to acquire them.

The city is ignoring the fact that Bluffs Park was acquired through bond act funds as a state park for all Californians. The state has to approve the swap and if it doesn’t, Malibu would have lost control of Charmlee for nothing. In the end, this could be the most expensive acquisition in the city’s history.

Mr. York notes he has never been invited to vote for an MTC representative. MTC is a membership organization. You must be a member to vote in our election.

Richard Lawrence, President, Malibu Township Council