It was a one-two punch with a double knock out for Malibu at the Coastal Commission meeting Oct. 13.
True to form, Malibu Traitor in Chief Sara Wan and her fellow unelected, appointed until death BFFs, voted to kill all the creatures at the Malibu Lagoon starting next summer.
Around 1,000 dump trucks from the lagoon will be fighting for PCH space during the height of visitor season. The Commission voted for misinformation served up by beach clean up jocks over a savvy team of wetland biologists. This is what happens when the Commission gets too chummy with certain groups.
To make sure Malibu was not just down but out, the Commissioners then rewarded their favorite Boy Scout and bearded savior Joe Edmiston with a yes on overnight camping. Bussed in kids from Outward Bound gave teary eyed accounts of how cruel Malibu was not allowing them to camp and instead sending them hours away. Well children, Uncle Joe forgot to mention that we have camping sites in Malibu, and you are very welcome to bring your sleeping bags. Too late though. The commissioners fell for the sob stories hook, line and stinker.
Commissioners 12, Malibu 0. Again.
Susan M. Tellem,