”Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Eileen Davidson and Malibu local Tiffany Mulligan of “Winnie & Kat” have launched an online campaign to continue raising funds for Malibu’s Bonewitz family.
After single-mother Marie Jordanou passed away from cancer in 2013, Kim and Michael Bonewitz began the process of adopting Jordanou’s five children. With three biological children already in the Bonewitz family, the family of five soon became a family of 10.
As the family with eight children continues to grow and thrive despite difficult hardships, costs for maintaining the family also rise.
The women hope that through an ongoing “Gofundme” account, small donations can continuously be received by the family to help offset financial burdens, including the cost of clothing, food, school supplies, housing and braces.
For more information about the family and to contribute, click here to access the online campaign.