Dogs off the beach


    We are seeking brave citizens to join our Malibu Beach Dog Patrol to take back our beaches. For children and others, we want to take back our beaches from the dogs and their irresponsible law-breaking owners. Our primary goal is to prevent a tragedy, either serious harm or worse, that will occur (as it already has) if the dogs continue to roam and rule the beaches in our community.

    Since it is prohibited to have any animal on the beach (except on one’s own private property tied up to prevent it from crossing the boundaries), those owners who, even on leash, bring a dog onto the beach for a “walk” are subject to citation each time for violation of Title 17 of the Los Angeles County Code because the dogs are unlawfully on the public’s property, even on “private” beaches, below the mean tide line.

    There are many good reasons for this law that was enacted by the entire community’s elected representatives. The safety of children, adults and visitors to the shoreline, the health concerns related to feces and urine as disease transmitters (canine distemper is epidemic now), and the environment protection of the ocean waters as well as the unique plants and animals are all the simple justifications for the law.

    Unfortunately, many dog owners do not agree that the law applies to them. They deliberately ignore the signs (a red circle with a dog symbol) at every access and on each lifeguard tower. Even with knowledge of the prohibition, the dog owners who continue the illegal practice try to justify it by claiming, “I live here,” “I’ve been doing it for years,” “lots of others do it,” “my dog doesn’t ‘go’ on the beach and if it does I pick it up” or some other ignorant or mean-spirited rebuttal. (How do they pick up urine?)

    So if you wish to help, just call or write for complaint forms provided by Los Angeles County Department of Animal Control (818.991.0071). Each time you observe a dog on the beach, use the form to write down the date, time and location, describe the dog’s size, color and breed. Identify the owner either by name, address and/or car license plate. The Animal Control officers will search their database and issue a formal infraction citation by mail for appearance/fine at the Malibu Court.

    The citizens’ patrol is the last resort to take back our beaches. We declare a revolt on the canine kings and queens of the beaches.

    Sam and Nidia Birenbaum