Ex and the city


Singles scene redefined: If love fails, bring your ex to the party.

By Kim Devore

Staff Writer

There’s no better time than Valentine’s Day to appreciate that you are happily in a relationship, or happily out of one.

Whether it’s the aging angler or an emotionally scarred artist, I certainly have had my fair share of romances that didn’t work out-and I’m not alone.

But why is it so many singles out there do nothing but whine about their former guy or girl? Com’ on, there must have been something about them we loved.

My most recent boyfriend, for example, had three personalities, so there was plenty to go around. Surely someone might like one of them; heck, maybe they’d like to collect all three, even if that someone isn’t me.

I’m not one to pout over former partners, but throwing a party for them? You heard right!

As makeshift matchmakers Rich Fox and Pam Morton see it, sharing is the only way to go. Their philosophy is simple-find someone who’s right for your ex and maybe their ex will be right for you.

To take the idea even further they’ve set up a monthly gathering of fellow singles, who are encouraged to bring their last boyfriend, girlfriend, former spouse or at least someone of the opposite sex.

Fox and Morton rally the troops over at the Gray Whale restaurant where they rent out the front room, set up a bar and hire a disc jockey, hoping to land some good lovin’.

Although they started small, the gatherings are building in popularity. The first bash attracted about 60 singles, seeking singles. The second pulled in 80, and 100 or more are expected next time around.

The idea sprang from necessity. Both Fox and Morton had been married, both have done a lot of dating and both have failed to meet that certain someone.

“Pam and I have been in relationships that did not succeed,” says Fox. “It’s not like when you were younger. You get pickier and you try to do a better job of choosing someone.”

A longtime Malibu resident, Fox describes the local dating scene in less than glowing terms.

“There are not many natural places to gather and meet people,” he explains. “So, it’s pretty much fix-ups, parties or luck. This could be just the kind of thing that Malibu needs.”

Who knows, maybe it’s worth a shot. After all, you’ll never find Mr. Right if you’re still stewing about Mr. Wrong. The whole thing makes me view my formers with great fondness.

Whether it’s Steven or Howard or some guy named Michael, Love your ex, skip the sex, have fun-and recycle!