October Planetary Themes

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.

This month, everyone should avoid any hasty actions around the lunar eclipse on the 18th and making important decisions or purchases from Oct. 21st – Nov. 10th as Mercury retrogrades in the sign of Scorpio.


Your strength and personal mag netism can carry you far until the 15th as long as any reckless or rebel lious tendencies are kept in check. On the 15th, your planetary ruler Mars enters Virgo. Your focus shifts toward accomplishing daily tasks and health related matters. From the 15th – 20th, be more discriminating as things are not what they appear to be!


Some emotional or financial mat ters may be troubling you through October 6th. On the 7th, your planetary ruler Venus changes signs and enters Sagittarius. It’s time to let go of things from the past and move ahead. Your outlook can turn more positive. You are in a favorable cycle of opportunity from the 7th through the 16th as Venus trines Uranus.


It’s a time for digging deeper into the emotional realm and solving any unresolved problem areas in your life. You can become more intensely involved in work-related matters and tasks. Around the 7th, don’t let friends or acquaintances rock your boat! An adjustment may be need ed for the better with some of your goals around this time. Your mental and emotional outlook improves during the second half of the month.


A closer look at finances may be necessary with a focus on eliminat ing unnecessary expenses and debt during the first week of October. There may be some changes brew ing in some of your relationships and at the home front through the 12th. During the second half of the month, it’s a time for deepening emotional connections with signifi cant others and family. Better oppor tunities for more wealth creation.


Some issues at home or with family members may need to be resolved during the first week of the month. On the 7th, there will be a positive shift as you can let go of some emo tional baggage in your life. There are new opportunities to expand your love life and for more excitement as Venus trines Uranus the 7th through the 16th. During the second half of the month, the focus becomes more on earnings and making some improvements in your life.


There may be some internal issues brewing underneath the surface you need to let go of during the first week of the month. This may involve sibling relationships. You are more focused in the emotional realm and more intensely involved with your work and money goals as Mercury transits Scorpio. On October 15th, the planet Mars enters your sign. The tide is going your way after this date for more accomplishments if you work your plan!


Emotionally, other people may be much for you to handle during the first week of the month. Your social life is the dominant theme and an area where you can shine more through the 14th. On the 15th as Mars enters Virgo, you can feel a shift away from the limelight. Your reclusive side can come out with more of an interest in spending time alone. This may be what you need to find more balance in your life.


It may not be the easiest time with career matters as you may also feel like being behind scenes. The chal lenges during the first week of the month can begin to dissipate as Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th. A new money-making opportunity is likely to present itself from the 7th until the 16th. As Mars enters Virgo on the 15th, you move into a better cycle for accomplishing tasks and goals. The flow begins to increase in business matters.


Something may be bothering you underneath the surface during the first week of October. Try not to stuff your feelings. On October 7th, Venus enters your sign. This helps bring a more positive shift in your life this month. Push forward and make the very most of new oppor tunities as Venus trines Uranus through October 16th. Your emo tional connection to significant oth ers and family can deepen during the second half of the month.


You are in a favorable cycle for attracting support and resources from others, especially during the second half of the month. From the 7th – 16th, you can find more joy spending time alone expressing that creativity of yours and with signifi cant others at home. As Mars enters Virgo on the 15th, you move into a positive cycle for work and the accomplishment of your goals.


You may be dealing with some issues in your career and personal relation ships during the first week of the month. After the 7th, your social life is favorably highlighted. Get out publicly, network and attend social gatherings. You can make some new friends through the 16th. During the second half of the month, you can feel the urge to dig deeper into the unknown. It’s also a time to more closely examine your finances.


This month highlights your belief system and expanding your mental or spiritual views. As Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th, you may be feeling some dissatisfaction in your career and like making some improvements. After the 15th when Mars enters Virgo, the focus turns more toward helping and serv ing others. Just don’t allow your self to become a door mat to over demanding people!