Letter: Changes at the Theater

Letter to the Editor

Twenty-four years ago, noted stage director and author Charles Marowitz and I created the Malibu Stage Co. (now the Malibu Playhouse). Initially, we were an itinerate company, performing at various locales—including Pepperdine’s Smothers 500-seat theater—until Marowitz found an abandoned church. From its bones, he created a jewel of a theater for Malibu Stage Co.

In order to finance our early efforts and our new home, we launched fundraisers and direct appeals to the community of Malibu—posters, mailers and press releases. And the community responded!

During my tenure as president of Malibu Stage Co., we raised approximately $500,000-including ticket sales. We spent money only on our shows, needed equipment and promotion, plus the initial cost of building the theater. 

We were reviewed by the LA Times, often earning the Critic’s Award. We had a nationwide reputation for professionalism in the theater world.

After Marowitz retired, I headed the theater for 18 years—producing 26 plays—until the board of directors “ousted me “ in favor of one of their members, a carpenter (an excellent one!) who ran the theater into the ground, physically and professionally. 

And now a new group has taken over the theater with big plans. They have so far spent a great deal of money on improvements—nice dressing rooms, exterior embellishments and opulent sets—but little on promotion. 

I am sorry to see that they are in trouble with their “Let’s put on a show… and they will come!” optimism. That only worked with Mickey and Judy at MGM.

Jacqueline Bridgeman, Past President of the Malibu Stage Co.