Pam Linn’s opinion piece (Nov. 24) exposed the hypocrisy of the Left. Liberals insist on using the word “hate” toward anyone who disagrees with them, while displaying their inability to accept reality.
I am one of those “typical white people” from one of our “57 states” that Mr. Obama knows so well. But that’s OK, he’s a liberal. This man has spent eight years promoting Islam while persecuting the religious freedom of Christianity and Judaism. That’s OK, he’s a liberal. Hypocrisy.
The designer who has dressed Mrs. Obama in her elaborate and expensive outfits refuses to do the same for Melania Trump because she hates her husband. That’s OK, she’s a liberal. But the mom and pop bakers are persecuted and fined when their Biblical beliefs do not coincide with homosexual behavior and agenda. Hypocrisy.
George Clooney is offended by North Carolina’s bathroom law as a civil rights violation. That’s OK, he’s a liberal. Then, he turns around and goes to China to promote his new movie. China, which has the worst civil rights record in the world. Hypocrisy.
Ms. Linn, you are aiming your hatred in the wrong direction. Take a good look in the mirror before finding fault with others.
David Long