City hosting women’s self defense class

SHIELD Women's Self-Defense System

The City of Malibu will host a one of a kind self-defense class designed exclusively for women on Tuesday nights at Malibu Bluffs Park starting Feb. 26.

The course will be offered by SHIELD Women’s Self-Defense System.

“SHIELD is a close-range fighting system created specifically to empower women against sexual assault,” says founder and instructor, Nelson Nio.

Nio started a women’s self-defense system a decade ago after a friend of one of his coworker’s was brutally attacked, “creating a way of fighting exclusively for women,” he said.  To date, SHIELD has provided self-defense training for the UCLA Spirit Squad, L.A. County Department of Social Services, the “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” reality show, and a host of other groups and organizations.

SHIELD’s second session of a 5 week self-defense class is scheduled for Tuesday nights February 26 – March 26 7:00pm – 9:00pm at the Michael Landon Center at Malibu Bluffs Park.

Classes are open to women ages 15 and the registration fee is $295.

For more information call 310.317.1364. Online registration is available here