No Decision Yet on Stacked Parking Along PCH

View from Malibu Beach Inn

Malibu Planning Commissioners asked for more time—and information—before making a decision on a proposal from Malibu Beach Inn owners to allow for guest parking across PCH from the swanky hotel. That parking would make room for the hotel to install a swimming pool, and ideas for facilitating the additional spaces included stacked parking and maybe even a stoplight to make crossing the state highway safer for guests and staff members.

The report for the meeting, though, was so complex, with so many moving parts, commissioners said they didn’t have enough information to proceed.

“I’ve never seen a staff report before us that had so many reasons for denial,” Planning Commission Chair Mikke Pierson said. 

The proposal, which came in two parts, was discussed at the Monday Malibu Planning Commission meeting at City Hall, though commissioners asked that city staff be given more time to provide necessary info before a decision could be made.

Commissioner John Mazza also made a request that staff report information be available earlier than 10 days before the hearing.

“Is there any way we can require a staff report that’s more than 10 days before the hearing, with supplements or something?” Mazza requested, “because quite frankly, even [Commissioner] Jeff Jenning’s brain is spinning with this one and mine is spinning, certainly.”

Commissioners repeated more than once their surprise that no community members came to speak on either side of the proposal, which could include stacked parking and could set a precedent for other businesses to utilize offside parking for their staff or guests.

“This is a big issue. Normally—I’m surprised—the community doesn’t seem to want to be involved at this point, which is surprising,” Pierson said.

Longtime commissioner John Mazza joked that the hotel, which initially requested the permit in August 2015, is moving right along in the approval process.

“You guys are on the fast track,” Mazza told owner Simon Mani. “Last hotel we dealt with was 21 years—so you’re on the fast track.”