Actor Daniel Stern Resigns From Malibu Cultural Arts Commission

Daniel Stern

Actor and Malibu resident Daniel Stern has stepped down from his post as chair of the Cultural Arts Commission to work on a new television series.

“I’m sorry to be leaving, but I thought it would be […] much more responsible to pass it on to somebody there actively doing it than keep my position over the phone or computer,” he told The Malibu Times in a phone interview. 

Stern, who has been involved with the commission since its inception, is most famous for his role of Marv in the “Home Alone” movie series.

Mayor Laura Rosenthal, who originally appointed Stern to the commission in 2012, will be announcing his replacement at the upcoming Malibu City Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 10. 

The project, a T.V. series entitled “Manhattan” will begin filming in New Mexico in March. 

“I’m leaving just when the fun part’s starting!” Stern said of the Cultural Arts Commission.  He added that he’d be happy to fill a spot if there’s an opening when he returns to Malibu from New Mexico, where he expects to be living for around six months.

“I’m hoping that [I can join the commission] when I get back, if there’s an opening. When the next appointments are done, I’d love to come back,” said Stern.

For now, he said, he has only a few weeks to prepare for his move to New Mexico. 

“Being an artist on the Arts Commission [is] the downside of it,” he said, “If you get a job, you have to go do it.”

The Cultural Arts Commission met for the first time in December 2012. According to its mission statement, it exists to support arts in the community by recognizing artistic excellence and diversity; celebrating Malibu artists; supporting arts education and related outreach programs; commemorating, promoting and preserving the traditions and uniqueness of our community; and establishing and building a performing arts center at the highest standard.