Propaganda machine


The lack of proper coverage by Fox News of the Democratic Convention truly confirms that Fox has finally become the “Pravda” of the current administration. You remember Pravda, don’t you? Pravda for all those under 50 was the official news source and propaganda machine for the “Evil Empire,” i.e. the Soviet Union.

Here’s what I mean. Bill O’Reilly showed just a few seconds of former Vice President Al Gore’s speech before cutting him off to attack him. The other cable networks showed the speech in full. And Jesse Jackson’s and Wesley Clark’s speeches were not shown at all. Are the Republicans really afraid of Wesley Clark? Just think why that might be true!

The individuals who condemned Pravda the most, e.g. Republican leaders, are now using the same tactics as the Soviets did in the last half of the 20th century to drown out freedom of speech.

Thank goodness Americans are beginning to get it. Though Fox’s ratings are high, we all know that any liberals or independents who watch Fox are really tuning in to learn more about their enemy, not for fair and balanced news.

Remember Pravda, and for that matter, remember Orwell’s “1984” which truthfully predicted the sorry state we are in. Little did we realize that the charming father figure, Ronald Reagan, would usher in 25 years of the right wing’s attempt to hijack free speech, the flag, freedom of religion, our economy, etc. Just another Evil Empire!

Leslie A. Fox