Malibu SAR Responds to Memorial Day Weekend Rescue Calls

Malibu Search and Rescue

Malibu Search and Rescue (Malibu SAR) Team officials worked around the clock over Memorial Day weekend, responding to both daytime and nighttime rescues. 

Around 6:30 p.m. on the evening of Saturday, May 28, Malibu SAR officials joined California Highway Patrol to respond to a call regarding a Jeep that was backed into a pool located on Via De Casa at Pepperdine University. The driver, a 27-year-old woman, suffered only minor injuries. 

Saturday’s rescue was followed by a night rescue on Sunday, May 29, as Malibu SAR and Los Angeles County Fire Department officials rescued two uninjured stranded hikers in Malibu Creek State Park, according to the Malibu SAR facebook page. Malibu SAR then followed up with four rescue calls on Monday, May 30. 

The Memorial Day weekend rescue calls were among 10 rescue calls Malibu SAR received over the course of eight days.