Pepperdine Participates in Social Media Challenge

Pepperdine’s panda plays in the Malibu sand and sun.

While residents of the northeast got their fair share of snow during last week’s blizzard, Malibu residents were left with sunshine and sandy beaches. A group of students from Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management decided to show the east coast that sand can be just as fun as snow by accepting the #PandaChallenge started by National Zoo panda bear Tian Tian. 

After Washington, D.C.’s National Zoo posted a video of Tian Tian playing in last week’s fresh powder, a Maryland dad dressed up in a panda suit and mimicked the bear’s actions in the snow in his backyard. Both videos have since gone viral, and Graziadio students jumped in on the action by filming a video of a student in a panda suit rolling around in the Zuma Beach sand. 

“We don’t have Snowzilla or Blizzard 2016 on the west coast, but we do have plenty of beach, sand, sunshine and a lot of Pepperdine Waves,” a Graziadio representative said. “We wanted to show the east coast how the west coast rolls.”