MHS Math Teams Compete in Contest

Malibu High School Math Team Members

The Malibu High School (MHS) math teams excelled in competition against teams from around the globe at the 18th Annual High School Mathematical Modeling Contest in Modeling. 

A total of 719 teams from 144 schools entered the contest and were challenged to construct the solutions to two modeling problems. Each team worked at their own school during a designated 36-hour period and presented their findings in the form of an academic paper.

One MHS team — composed of students Harry Putterman, Izzy Putterman, Sam Burton and Gannon Earhart — was one of only six teams in the entire contest to win outstanding team honors. They were accompanied by fellow winning teams from the United States and China. 

The other three MHS teams emerged with designations of finalist, meritorious and honorable mention. These teams were composed of Xena Amirani, Ala Mahmoud, Hannah Grundemann, Natasha Rothenbucher, Jaime Le, Izzy Chavira, Alec Rascoe, Marco Krause, Dylan Verma and Konrad Buchwald.