Memorial planned for Malibu mom Marie Jordanou

Marie Jordanou

Friends and family will gather on Monday, Feb. 25 in Los Angeles to remember Marie Jordanou, a Malibu resident who lost her battle with cancer this week. 

The memorial is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral. The cathedral is located at 1324 S. Normandie Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90006.

Last summer, Jordanou was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, which metastasized throughout her body. 

Friends called her “Marie of Malibu” after many got used to seeing her around town during the eight years she lived in Malibu. 

“She had a wild sense of humor, loved to have fun and she was an amazing mom,” said friend Kimberly Russell. “She did karate and taught the kids how to play chess.” 

Jordanou is survived by her five children: Ariana (14), Athina (13), Aristotelis (11), and twins Niki and Stasi (short for Aniketos and Anastasis, 9). A fundraising benefit was put on last week to help support Jordanou’s family.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to help the Jordanou family at