Vacant restaurant by Nobu applies for breakfast hours

New restaurant at 22716 Pacific Coast Highway

Breakfast could soon be served at the new Larry Ellison-owned restaurant space next to Nobu on Pacific Coast Highway—as soon as an actual restaurant moves in.

While the identity of the eventual tenant has remained top-secret, the architectural firm that designed the building has applied for a conditional use permit to extend operating hours to include breakfast.

The applicant currently has authorization to open at 11 a.m. daily, but is requesting an extension to open at 7 a.m. The Malibu Planning Commission will consider the application at its March 4 meeting.

No word yet on the eventual tenant. The owner of the building is listed as Malibu Cantina, LLC. The applicant is Severine Tatangelo, whose architectural firm Studio PCH designed both buildings. 

What do you think of this development? Do you think there will ever be a restaurant in this space?