Photos: Celebrating Seniors

MHS senior football players, pictured from left, back row: Cooper Richman, Indiana McAlpine, Nicolas Deeds, Marco Krause, Quemars Adli, Saul Alvarado, Chase Murrell and Coach Terry Shorten; front row: Luca Marinaro, Jordin Taylor, Matthew Rafeedie and Chris Taras

Last Friday, Oct. 30, Malibu High School (MHS) honored members of its graduating class with a Senior Night Ceremony before the varsity football team played the Santa Paula Cardinals.

Senior members of the football team, drumline, dance team and cheerleaders were celebrated for their achievements throughout the year and their time at MHS. 

Traditions that take place during the evening vary by team, but most include balloons, hugs and flowers as seniors lined up to be recognized with their families.