AMPS Leaders Call For Show Of Force Tonight At City Hall – PCH Road Diet Hearing Wednesday – Tsunami Awareness Week: Quick! Where Would You Go?


A major show of force by school separatists .. is called for tonight at city hall.

On Wednesday … plans to narrow PCH lanes to slow down traffic go out for public comment.

Amgen plans a major reduction in force … at its big research center over the hill.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the Monday edition … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


Good morning Birdview!


A small landslide fell down the face of the cliffs at Point Dume on Saturday.

City officials have pronounced the landslide to be superficial.

A 70-foot-high face of the cliff started to issue a stream of rocks and gravel … and then gave way in a dramatic fashion. 

Several cars in the Point Dume State Park parking lot got a good dust bath.

This was below a house at the east end of Birdview … not far from the point itself.

No major damage … the areas has been roped off as a precaution. 


Malibu residents … if they listen to KBU News or read the Malibu Times … may be used to hearing about important public meetings.

But there are two public meetings this week that are really … really important. 

First is tonight’s city council meeting.

The group of parents and educators that has been clamoring for an independent Malibu school district is calling for a show of force at City Hall … tonight at 7.

Every public official from Malibu to Santa Monica has supported dividing the district … which is already split into two geographic parts by the LA school district territory in Pacific Palisades. 

The divorce negotiations have yielded a tentative financial agreement … 

It includes Malibu paying child support of sorts to Santa Monica for a few years to even out the state aid that Santa Monica kids might lose. 

There is a public workshop scheduled for 7 P-M tonight at City Hall … ostensibly to ask questions of the negotiators … how will this affect kids??? Taxpayers??? Et cetera.

Leaders of AMPS … the group advocating a separate school district … say a big turnout is important tonight.

And it will be even more important on April 20th … when a similar divorce meeting will be held at the Santa Monica school district headquarters.


On Wednesday … the matter of re-engineering Pacific Coast Highway to slow down vehicles comes up at a City Hall hearing. 

Two city commissions … Public Safety and Public Works … will review traffic engineers’ recommendations to restripe lanes … revise no parking areas and restrict speeding traffic by narrowing the lanes. 

Caltrans paid for the study … which counted and inventoried every parking space on 22 miles of P C H in the city.

The engineers at the consulting firm have produced a blueprint to improve parking and promote safety for all modes of travel: vehicles … bicycles … pedestrians. 

If this plan is implemented …. we would see a big change on P C H …. 

The supersize free lane widths and other features of the road were designed in 1945 for a 65 mph rural highway west of the Civic Center, and 55 mph east of it. 

This would be the first big change since lwft turn lanes were installed in the 1960s.

The plan includes:

– banning parking on the inland side … the north side … of PCH from Zuma Creek west to the city limits

It would add wider bike lanes west of Trancas

It calls for widening the shoulders in places …. particularly at Paradise Cove.

It calls for narrowing the freeway-width lanes through the central part of the city, to slow traffic and add room for bikes. 

Red zones would be marked, no parking signs will be added in unsafe places. 

Only 25 parking spaces will be lost in eastern Malibu’s heavy parking demand areas. 

995 parking spaces will be made safer, through shoulder widening and lane narrowing in straightaways. 

The public hearing is at 6:30 Wednesday at City Hall.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


In news from over the hill … one of the largest employers in the Conejo Valley has quietly told 500 employees that their jobs may be changing or disappearing altogether

Amgen says the reduction in force will be in the next year and a half … according to the Thousand Oaks Acorn newspaper.

The giant pharmaceutical company will be transferring about 50 jobs to Florida …mostly back office functions like human resources and information systems. 

Tampa will become Amgen’s hub for that.

Some of the 500 Thousand Oaks workers are in the discovery research and translational sciences departments.

They will be offered the opportunity to transfer to Amgen’s offices near San Francisco and Boston.

A small number of Amgen Thousand Oaks employees live in Malibu. 

The layoff and transfers affect 5-hundred people … about 10 percent of the 55-hundred people who work for Amgen in Thousand Oaks.


Springtime Santa Ana winds will blast the local mountains and canyons with winds up to 40 miles per hour tonight. 

Winds will crop up at around 25 miles an hour this afternoon … then increase tonight.

Gusts to 40 miles are expected tonight and early tomorrow … below the passes and canyons from Malibu to the Hollywood Hills.


It’s tsunami awareness week in California.

KBU will be joining other California broadcasters in conducting a tsunami awareness emergency test … Wednesday.

The station will relay an emergency tsunami evacuation alert test from the National Weather Service.

It’s a good time to remember the advice from seismologists … if you feel strong shaking along the Malibu coast … don’t wait. 

Calmly but quickly … move away from the ocean.  

If you’re on PCH … drive up the nearest road and find higher ground … about 80 feet above sea level …  to wait for a few minutes.

Tsunamis and their cousin … seiche waves … are very possible from a local earthquake.

Santa Monica Bay has numerous undersea cliffs that could collapse … causing a seiche wave … which could wash over PCH and oceanfront property in the minutes immediately following a strong local jolt.

No joke … there is historical record of tsunamis and seiche waves along the Malibu coast and Santa Monica.


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((  windy… sunny and cool … 64   )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((    71  )))) inland. 

Downcoast winds will be  blowing at up to  ((( 20   )))) miles per hour this afternoon .. 25 miles per hour tonight … and then at around midnight switch over to canyon winds up to 40 miles an hour …

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   7:10    )))).

After that … windy and a low of  ((((   53 )))) on the beach … down to  ((((  46   )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   (((( sunny and windy … gusts over the mountain at up to 30 miles an hour.    )))).

Right now … (((( at 8:55am ))))  it’s ((((    55    )))) at Trancas.   55   49   58

((((   49     )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((   58   ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((    58   )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  3 to 5   )))) feet high …. 

((((   There is an easing WNW swell. 

New WNW/NW swell shows in the PM. 

Small SSW swell blending in. )))) 

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   High tide … at 5 and a quarter feet … is at 9:42 AM.

Low tide at 4 this afternoon.

Another 5 foot high tide arrives by 10:11 tonight.    ))))


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