Scott Sterling’s autopsy complete

Scott Sterling, 31, was found dead on Jan. 1 in his Malibu apartment. 

The Los Angeles County Coroner’s office completed an autopsy on the body of 32-year-old Scott Sterling, the son of L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling who was found dead in his Malibu apartment Tuesday night. 

However, it will be at least six weeks before toxicology results become available and investigators determine Sterling’s cause of death. Early reports indicate he may have died of a drug overdose.  

Donald and his wife Shelly Sterling released a statement Wednesday thanking friends for their support and revealing Scott Sterling’s fight with Type 1 diabetes. 

“Our son Scott has fought a long and valiant battle against Type 1 diabetes,” the statement said. “His death is a terrible tragedy, the effects of which will be felt forever by our family and all those who knew and loved him. We sincerely appreciate the warm outpouring of sympathy and support from so many of our dear friends.”

Sterling had not been seen for several days before his body was discovered in his apartment at the Malibu Villas on Tuesday. Authorities were called at 11:30 p.m. and pronounced Sterling dead at the scene.