Letter: PCH dangers lurk


It’s Pacific Coast Highway! Why are we so surprised that people get hurt or worse, when they disrespect this highway? Would you consider it sane to cross a freeway? The 405? 101? The truth is, that even where the posted speed is 45, people do go faster. They can go 50 or even 55. It’s basically something that everyone does. So when you’re wearing your darkest outfit, at dusk, when the driver’s eyes cannot see well, or in the dark or the glare of the sun, please, remember that it’s not always possible to see you.

True, some people are drunk, some are reckless, and some are, well, incompetent drivers. But, for goodness sakes, they’re also on the freeway! So don’t cross the freeway and if you have to cross, then pay attention. They may not even see you. And for bikers, I know your community has decided that a bicycle should take up a whole lane of the highway. The truth is that I’m deadly afraid of bicyclists. Not because I worry that they will hit me, but I’m worried for them. If they need to avoid an open car door, they’re entering into the lanes of the highway. Living on the PCH (not in the street, mind you) I do see this so much. Cars nearly colliding in order to avoid a bike.

So now that I’ve shown you how politically incorrect I really am, I’m on my way to the store. Carefully! Shary Nassimi