Letter: Big thank you

Letter to the Editor

A big thank you to the editors and staff of The Malibu Times web edition. Your providing of fire and road closure updates of the Camarillo Springs Fire, almost in “real time” throughout its various phases, was greatly appreciated. This same savvy timely reporting was also appreciated during the most recent road closures in Malibu Canyon and along the Pacific Coast Highway.

Your expert use of the web’s capabilities has greatly enhanced the unique safety and transportation needs of our community. You are an unexpected, unofficial, addition to both emergency response communications and decades long requests for more real-time road condition updates. Keep up the good work.

While at your keyboards in your offices, that sound you hear over the ocean’s waves is the applause coming from the residents of Malibu.

Judi Devin, Volunteer Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Latigo Cove