Letter: Exploding Poles

Letter to the Editor

I am a Point Dume resident. Sunday night, I was awakened by two big explosions. I was shocked to see the top of the power pole across the street engulfed in flames and shooting sparks several feet in diameter. Station 71 closed off our street temporarily and, because of the rain, the fire was neutralized. 

I posted the incident on Next Door and Facebook. I was quick to find out that this was not an isolated incident. Eight exploding power poles have been reported in the past few weeks. Malibu residents have also been reporting power outages repeatedly. Edison responded to my power outage, but had no knowledge of these other explosions.

As we sit and wait for this week’s Santa Ana winds, I can only imagine disastrous results for Point Dume had this happened during a Santa Ana event.

I plan on filing a complaint to the CA Public Utilities Commission to demand they properly maintain Malibu’s power poles due to the incredible threat they pose to Malibu’s public safety. 

Laureen Sills