Last weekend my husband and I had an opportunity to enjoy the Malibu Ballet Studio’s presentation of The Nutcracker Suite. All of the parents whose children participated in this most enjoyable performance should be very proud. It was such a delight and pleasure to see Malibu kids who obviously worked very hard and rehearsed for many days and weeks in order to put together such a warm, joyful, well-executed performance. From the tiny tots to the mature ballerinas, it is obvious that these kids and their teachers are devoted to the world of dance and the difficult process that it takes to move from beginning ballet to becoming a toe dancer. In this day and age, when so many young people choose to spend all their time in front of TVs and playing violent video games, I think it is a very positive step that these young people are pursuing such a physically challenging, but rewarding activity. I hope that all the participants, the teacher (s) and parents felt a great deal of pride at the end of their performances.
Whether it be gymnastics, riding horses, playing tennis, swimming, soccer, softball, etc., the Malibu community should be commended for providing kids with an opportunity to participate in so many activities. I hope that the Ballet School continues to provide many young people with an opportunity to learn to dance and to perform. If you have not attended a performance or taken your kids to see what other Malibu kids and their friends are accomplishing, I encourage you to do so next year. The Ballet Studio deserves your support and encouragement. Thank you to all the dancers and their parents. It was a most enjoyable evening. Happy Holidays
Ellen Francisco