I object to being solicited by fundraisers and I especially object to using children as solicitors. I object to SMMUSD giving out families’ contact information for solicitations. This is a violation of privacy. I object to school administrators’ time and school district money being used for fundraising solicitations. Staff should teach and administrate only.
When teachers’ jobs are being cut, when class sizes are increasing, when there’s little or no money for academic resources, then night lights are a frill, not what SMMUSD needs to spend its limited money and time on.
Please provide complete and accurate answers to the following questions:
The names of those directing and aiding this campaign who are employed by SMMUSD? Amount of time of SMMUSD employees spent and to be spent in the future on this campaign? The cost of the time of SMMUSD employees spent and to be spent in the future on this campaign?
Why it is OK legally and ethically to give out school families’ personal contact information to solicitors? When and how targets of the fundraising gave permission for solicitors to contact them? When and how a person opts out of being solicited?
How much has the “Bring on the lights” campaign cost in total? How much money that came from public funds and amount of money to be spent in the future from public funds?
Please know answers will be made publicly available. This is important information for the Malibu community to know.
Cindy Vandor