How Were Homeless Notified of Woolsey Fire?

LA County Sheriffs

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s officials have not forgotten Malibu’s homeless population in the midst of the Woolsey Fire. On Tuesday, Lieutenant Jim Royal told The Malibu Times sheriff’s had put in a call to Malibu’s homeless services, including St. Joseph’s and OPCC (The People Concern) to prepare services, once evacuations were lifted. 

“They did contact several homeless persons over the last few days and we’re going to continue in that effort,” Royal said. 

Based on information that was available on Tuesday night, Royal said he was “not aware of any homeless injuries or deaths at this time.”

He also said homeless people were notified of evacuations on Friday, alongside residents.

“We notified homeless persons that we knew as we saw them and went to places where they’re known to be, and then word spread from there,” Royal clarified, later adding, “That was part of our evacuation procedure, was to have deputies go through the whole city, including some [outreach] to some areas [where homeless people were known to be].”