Letter: Duped Again

Letter to the Editor

Well … once again California voters did what they do best—voted themselves yet another tax increase, led like sheep to the slaughter house by a deceptive proposition they couldn’t correctly interpret. In all my years, I’ve never seen anything like it until I came to this state. Very puzzling indeed. Is it really that difficult to figure out the ballot measures and make an educated choice? I guess it is. So, congratulations everyone. You got duped again. Now we all have to reach deeper into our pockets and not for legitimate reasons (infrastructure, road improvements as has been promised for many, many years), but to continue feeding the Sacramento cesspool of corruption.These future and existing gas taxes will have and are having a dramatic effect on inflation in general as higher costs of transportation (trucking) get passed on to the consumer.So, on behalf of many of those (us) on fixed incomes, we thank the California residents for making our budget balancing-act a little more challenging today and as we (dare to) look toward the future. Thank you!

K. Geist