The city’s Parks and Recreation Commission is currently looking for nominations for the Jake Kuredjian Citizenship Award. The deadline to submit is 4 p.m. Friday, April 5.
The award was named in honor of the late Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Hagop “Jake” Kuredjian, who was killed in August 2001 while engaged in a shootout at Stevenson Ranch. It recognizes “ordinary people who do extraordinary things, and make Malibu a better place to live, work and play.”
Typically, nominees have bettered local recreation programs; the 2018 honorees were city commissioner and coach Justine Petretti and award-winning water polo coach and teacher Mike Mulligan.
Nominations can be submitted online at malibucity.org/awardnominations as well as in person at Malibu Bluffs Park or City Hall. Once submitted, the Parks and Recreation Commission will review the nominations and share the honoree for city council approval. Once approved, council members will present the award at their regular meeting.
For more information, visit malibucity.org/jakeaward.