Letter: Driving Dangers

Letter to the Editor

The core problem with our deadly highway has been and still will be distracted drivers and a highway system that is dysfunctional because it promotes complacency. Ironically, lack of alertness comes from traffic cops not enforcing one law, impeding traffic; and, they get no assistance from the city or CalTrans. If all three worked together to maintain the rules of the road as written in the DMV drivers manual (where it states something to the effect that slow drivers must keep right unless passing) and traffic cops issued citations for breaking this law with video monitors as evidence and with a significant fine, I’m certain drivers would be alert. Detroit is building cars for the future that drive themselves, perhaps they’ll make them to adhere to the passing lane laws too. In the meantime, failure to “keep right” negatively impacts three main issues: traffic safety, traffic congestion and emergency response. Bicyclists would like cars to slow down, especially on the east end, from Malibu Pier to Topanga, where bicyclists pack together or individually weave in and out of oddly parked cars and traffic where it is the most congested. Residents along this same stretch would prefer slower speeds so their oddly parked cars can park or leave safely. The problem has been and will continue to be that those who are promoting slower speeds rather than alerting drivers are bicyclists and residents who have tenants that park along the highway. We need to have drivers become alert and concerned with other drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians around. “Slower traffic keep right signs” should be big and placed clearly on the side of the highway and painted in the left lane. Video monitors should be strategically placed along the entire 27 miles of Malibu and traffic cops should be noticeably patrolling the highway. With these actions in place and a penalty system that is significant, drivers will become very alert and much less distracted.

Bob Purvey